Keep up with the latest news from The National Smart Set, Inc. right here!
Major announcements and information important to you will be posted here regularly.

85th Anniversary Celebration – Schedule

85th Anniversary Celebration – Schedule

Hello Smart Setters and Bayou City Members! Are you ready for Houston? You will find a few reminders, picture schedule, a list of restaurants and a special message from the Friday Night Welcome chairs below. Friday registration is planned from 3:00 PM - 6:00...

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85th Anniversary Celebration – Dance Moves!

Hello Smart Setters and Bayou City Members,

The No Host Conclave is less than two weeks away and the Friday Night Committee is excited to invite you to the Friday Night Welcome – “Dance The Night Away”.  We are planning a fun evening to celebrate friendship and sisterhood, as we Dance the Night Away, in our chic denim outfits.  To add to the fun, we have identified a few hustle dances that we hope you will watch and maybe even practice prior to our Friday night event.?

See you on October 28!  We look forward to catching up with old friends and forming new friendships.

SS Allison Martin & SS Sandi Peterson-Cooper

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The New Website has Launched!

The following information has been prepared to introduce you to The National Smart Set, Inc.’s new website. Please read through it at your leisure so you will be up-to-date on what to expect when you visit the site for the first time. You will receive a password reset request that will enable you to access the new site using your current userid. This request is unrelated to and will not affect your access to the present site. 

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